MercyTheKitty Rants

{Sat, Jan 905, '10}   Fireworks

I love the Earth. I love nature. I love the world. I love this planet. I love the environment.

I don’t love fireworks.

Every time I see a fireworks show, I cover my nose and mouth so I don’t inhale the smoke. I wish I could cover my eyes so I wouldn’t have to SEE it, too.

All that smoke in the air…

So, anyways…

In terms of eco-friendly, I did NOT enjoy my Disney trips.

Everywhere I went, I heard, “save the animals,” “save the air,” “save our planet,” “save the water.”

How is the air safe? Daily firework displays are not helping the air. Just ask the bits of charcoal and ash that rained down on my head. That flew into my sister’s eyes. That got black smudges on my dad’s pastel shirt.

So here I am, typing words onto the screen of the laptop on my lap. Protesting. Ranting. Expressing.

{Sat, Jan 911, '10}   Disney Vs. McDonalds

The title of this post is somewhat a parody of this post.

Forget McDonalds; Disney is making America fat!

Giant turkey legs? Ice cream cones four times the size of a regular cone? Huge slushies? Plate-sized cookies? Junk food paradise or just plain junk?

I hope I don’t get in trouble for this…

As much as I like junk food, I find the amount of it served at various Disney parks to be disgusting. Everywhere I looked, there was someone stuffing their face with cholesterol and sugar.

At this point, I’m ready to side against Supersize Me.

Pointless post, I guess, but I like my opinion to be out there, so…

{Sat, Jan 931, '10}   Vacay Tweets

Here’s a quick post:

The entire time I was on vacation, I did not have internet access, so I was unable to tweet. Unlike the rest of the world, I do not have a working cell phone or a blackberry or an iTouch or a laptop. (Well, I have a NON-working phone and a suckish laptop…) I don’t know about anyone else, but whenever I do anything, I think up tweets… which doesn’t help unless I have internet access…

So, anyways, here are some thing I might have tweeted if I had the chance:

  • A little boy farted on me and a little girl wiped her hands on me. Fun fun.
  • The fireworks are so close… there’s ash raining down on my head…
  • Just recorded an entire parade. My arm hurts… 😦
  • Ewww, the water tastes like dentists’ water+lime+sulfur…
  • Uggh, I never thought I’d say this, but I’m sick of sweets…
  • I hate motels…
  • I went on a safari. Right as it started, my camera died. Nice…
  • Pirate mime!
  • I got a new shark-tooth necklace and a guitar tee! Whoo!
  • Soaking wet! OMG!

And, like, a HECK of a lot of others.

By the way, I’m a little ticked off because I lost quite a few followers during that two weeks, but I guess that’s to be expected.

{Thu, Jan 757, '10}   Davedays’s New Fan!

So while at Florida, I visited a friend. She’s in college and was home for winter vacation.

So she, my sister, and I started sharing funny youtube videos, and I showed her to Davedays.

Make note of this, Dave!

Her first reaction: “Heeey, he’s cute!”

Me: “Back off! He’s mine!”

Her: “Awww, how old is he?”

Me: “Like… 17-ish…”

Her: “Awww, he’s so young…”

Actually, this isn’t an exciting post, but Dave, you have a new fan(atic) thanks to me, soo…


The title of this post is a reference to this post.

As you should know, it is now the year 2010, which brings the end to 2009. Funny. In my first draft, I wrote “not the year 2009” instead of “now.” At least I’m proofreading…

I spent a lovely winter vacation down in Florida. The only problem was that it was cold. At least, I though it was until I came back up north to the not-so-tropical weather. While there, I’ve been on quite a few “adventures.” I’d post about them here, but then I figure this post would be long and boring. Whenever I get free time to, I’ll add new posts about my trip to MTKR (MercyTheKitty Rants) about my trip and link them to this post:

Davedays’s New Fan!

Vacay Tweets

Disney Vs. McDonalds


More coming later?

{Mon, Dec 758, '09}   TerraCycle

Nina at and are giving away a set of TerraCycle Eco-Nation speakers. Participating in the contest is easy and you have several chances to win through blog posts, Twitter and Facebook. The grand prize will be shipped fast so that the winner can enjoy their new TerraCycle Eco-Nation speakers during the holidays. For more information and official contest rules, see the blog entry: “The TerraCycle Eco-Nation Speakers Contest!”

TerraCycle is an awesome orginization (did I post this already?) that recycles the “unrecycleable.” Commonly thrown-away items such as juice pouches, plastic bottles, and gluesticks and makes them into common products, such as flowerpots, backpacks, and pencils.

That’s all I have on the subject…

{Sun, Mar 2926, '09}   Earth Hour ’09

Earth Hour is a global event to try to save planet Earth.  Today, March 28, 2009, turn off all your electronics between the hours of 8:30 and 9:30 pm. Together, we can make a huge difference! I’ll keep editing this post every so often when I have stuff to add, so stay tuned!

For more info, visit

8:33 pm: I want to make a video or take a picture or something to remember this day later… but the camera battery is taking FOREVER to recharge! And my sister is in the shower and won’t turn off the light. And I can’t explain Earth hour to my grandma doing Tai Chi downstairs, so that light’s on…

9:06 Going for a walk (I hope).  I’m bringing my camera to do a 12 second challenge about what to do during Earth Hour. I also have a flashlight that can be recharged by shaking it. i’m going to play with it outside. 🙂 Aah, the open air smells nice…

et cetera