MercyTheKitty Rants

{Mon, Jun 1347, '11}   George Washington is a Zombie

Sorry for the delay in updates, my non-existent readers, but yesterday morning, I awoke with a sudden epiphany… George Washington is a zombie! Here’s what I’ve made of the situation:

Little do people realize that George Washington is still animated and among us today. He is, in fact, America’s longest-living zombie. That’s right; George Washington is still here today, as a zombie. He hides in the White House, away from the general public, and resides in the President’s Cabinet, behind the many skeletons. Whenever a new elected official happens to stumble upon his decaying soul, he simply repents by eating his brains. Explains a lot, doesn’t it?

{Sun, Apr 332, '11}   Amelia Earhart

Sorry for seemingly avoiding my blog as of recent. A lot of updates to report, but I wanted to blog about this topic:

Amelia Earhart, possibly the most famous female American pilot of history, was legally pronounced dead on my birthday (joy) in 1939, after she disappeared during a flight around the world. Naturally, people wonder what happened to her. A study appeared a bit ago, to try to answer the question. Here’s the short version, understandable to both me and some second graders:

Scientists, I guess, found a bone fragment in the part of the world where she is believed to have gone missing. Naturally, they think it’s hers. The idea is to take some really old letters Earhart sent when she was alive, and to collect saliva samples left over from it. They were supposed to compare it with the DNA of her living descendants to ensure a match, then test the bone.

The only problem is that after I heard about this, I never heard anything else. No updates, no results. I attended a lecture yesterday, conducted by someone who pretty much works with spit, so I asked her about it. We’re both stumped.

Do you spammers out there know anything about this?

{Sun, Feb 2724, '11}   Grammar

I think this is my first post of the year… It’s nearly march, huh? Oopsies.

So grammar. Can we use fragments like that?

And can we start sentences with conjunctions?

Or should I use “may” instead of “can?”

Till or ’til?

I’ve had a lot of grammar questions over the years (bless my English teachers for putting up with me), but some recent discussions (with said English teachers) have sparked up some confusion in the basics.

When a character is speaking (dialogue), rules can (may?) often be bent, but how far? In a teenage voice, it’s acceptable to say “it’s okay,” as opposed to “it is alright,” but what about made-up words? “Going to,” or “gonna/gunna?” “I don’t know,” or “dunno?”

I think I’ve been tweeting too much… There’s no way I can write an entire blog post after so many 140-character summaries of my life.

{Mon, Oct 2518, '10}   Pedophilia

I have never heard anything said about pedophilia that is either positive or from a child’s perspective.

Pedophilia does not necessarily have anything to do with child abuse or molestation. That’s the same thing as associating blonde girls with the color pink. Maybe in many cases it may make sense, especially using prior knowledge, but logically, the two are unrelated.

I know adults like to think they remember everything about being a child and that they can see their mistakes, but come on! Let’s be reasonable. Children are smart. I know, shocking, right!??! Well, it’s true. Children have a great capacity for understanding. They are also less corrupt than SOME people I know, and have a much simpler time accepting the values of others and being nonjudgmental. I might go deeper into this on a later day…

What if it’s real, genuine, true love? Let’s say the adult doesn’t want anything even remotely close to physical pleasure. A real relationship can stand past that. A real lover wants happiness for his/her significant other. Basically, we’re saying this adult wants this kid to be happy.

What about the kid? You know, around the time of puberty, we kids like to play dumb for you adults. It just makes life so much easier! Genuine feelings for another person can form at very early ages. Face it, this isn’t the ’90’s anymore. Fourth graders date. Second graders have crushes. So what?

So in this hypothetical scenario, the adult and the kid fall for each other. The adult likes the kid because of any reason anyone else may like someone; the kid has certain personality traits, certain quirks, can relate to experiences, is mature, whatever. The kid likes the adult… why? Well, there is a certain appeal to an older person with life experience to pass on, but the same thing applies. Age probably has nothing to do with it. The adult could have an appealing personality that was unfortunately bestowed upon someone too old.

Is love bad? Of course not. Why would anyone think of ruining these perfect connections? The same applies to homosexual relations. All this is just preference: age, gender, whatever. Growing up, I was always told, “It’s what’s on the inside that matters.” In that case, aren’t these factors just shells encasing flaws or perfections? Actually, no. They’re more than that. Physical traits should be the frosting on top of the cake– it only makes good better.

Come on, really!??! If the kid isn’t uncomfortable in any way, why are you complaining? Maybe that camp counselor or teacher is crushing on your kid but hasn’t said anything. Are you okay with that? You can never know who a person is in love with. That’s the beauty of it. Love is blind. Just because you can’t see love doesn’t mean it’s not there. It’s hiding right in front of your face and there’s nothing you can do about it. 🙂 Now I’m self-satisfied.

These are my opinions and in no way reflect the opinions of readers, commenters, yadda yadda yadda. But I expect respect if you choose to comment. Otherwise, you’re blocked.

The above links are Facebook Events commemorating the six recent suicides of homosexual boys. I’ve been spending a lot of time scrolling through the comments of each event’s wall, flagging haters and commenting to open-hearted lovers.

My belief is that being homosexual is not a choice. It’s how you were born. It’s a mindset that you naturally have, whether you ever realize it or not. Imagine being tormented because of your muscle density or skin sensitivity– those are little details that make you unique, but cannot necessarily be seen with the naked eye. It’s the same thing! Why would you judge someone over something they have no control over, and instead choose to embrace? Is it a crime to be who you are?

This quote is from a t-shirt available at Cafe Press.

By the way, the Bible says nothing against homosexuality. Jesus loved everyone, man or woman alike. Why would he condemn someone for loving, as well? All the claims to God’s hate of homosexuality was primarily due to interpretation or translation errors. Just look it up!

On the wall of one of the events, someone wrote this about the Bible: “It was supposed to be a guide book not a rule book!” Jesus was all-forgiving of the sins of man, wasn’t he? Shouldn’t everyone be as forgiving and open? Religion is not precise– there are many things we do not know. It’s okay to be open to your own thoughts and opinions– God won’t be angry if you embrace diversity.

Haters will be blocked from my blog.

I know there are a lot of opinions contradicting what I said, too. As I said, I believe homosexuality is a given trait, whereas others may think it’s a choice or an instilled lifestyle. I’m open to these ideas.

I read a book entitles “The Less-Dead” that deals with homosexuality and the Bible. I encourage you all to read it.

Wear purple today, to honor the strife these six boys had to face.

{Tue, Oct 521, '10}   I Don’t Pledge Allegiance

Where I live, our public schools recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily. The principal or some other authority says “Please stand” over the intercom, and students in classrooms are expected to stand and recite the Pledge to the nearest flag.

Today in math class, I did neither said a word nor stood. My teacher noticed midway through, and made a waving hand gesture as if to say, “Stand.” I shot her a look that said, “no.” She whispered to me (for I am in the front row, yay), “You don’t have a choice.” Sulking, I stood for the remainder of the recitation.

On the first day of school, this same teacher said she had respect for students who recited the Pledge, since by now, most kids think it’s a boring waste of time.

I have my rights. I shouldn’t be forced to support something I do not want to, and that includes standing and speaking. Why do I even have to stand? Have authority really become so scared of nonconformity and insubordination that they have to force me to at least LOOK like I care?

Here’s the thing: I’m not a terrorist or anything. I’m not out to kill Americans, and yes, I’m a legal citizen. It’s just that when I think of America, I think of corruption. This once-great country has strayed from what it used to be, and what it no longer has the potential to be.

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t look down on soldiers or patriots. I have a lot of respect for them, actually, for standing for what they believe in. I just feel that I should have my own say, as well, and I should be allowed to fight for it.

I know I’m not alone in my cause. Over the years, the phrase “Under God” has caused a lot of debate. The only difference is that I have a number of reasons why I refuse to say it besides the obvious religion aspect:

  • Religion: Yes, I am not affiliated with any religion at this time, especially not one with an omnipresent, all-powerful being. For people like me, there is no “God” for “one nation” to be “under.” Whatever happened to “separation from church and state?” I remember in elementary school, when we learned about many religions. Whenever winter rolled around, we discussed not only Christmas, but also Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Ramadan. Once, I was told schoolteachers either had to teach everything or nothing. They were not allowed to be bias. Well, isn’t this the same scenario? As a diverse country, we should be embracing the cultures of everyone, and not just the people who changed the words of the Pledge. That’s right, the original Pledge of Allegiance didn’t even have the words “Under God!”
  • Homosexuality: I know this can apply to more than just the homosexual part of America, but it’s the most obvious example. So the line “with liberty and justice for all” really gets to me. It’s a downright lie. Americans are not equal, and the government knows it. Why can’t homosexual couples marry in most states? Why can’t they adopt children? Why can’t they join the army? NORMAL people can, so why can’t they? Homosexual individuals are living and breathing, too. Why should they not be treated with liberty and justice?
  • Global: There are hundreds of countries of the world, each unique and busting with culture. Is it right just to pledge myself to America? Should I even be allowed to visit a foreign country, in that case? I’ve pledged my allegiance to this one country, so there’s no point in fraternizing with the enemy, right?
  • Legal: There is neither a rule in my school nor a law in the country stating the resuscitation of the Pledge is mandatory. It’s as simple as that.
  • Flag: Even if I wanted to be solely loyal to America, I don’t want to pledge my allegiance to the FLAG of it. Have you realized that? The words are “I pledge allegiance to the flag,” not “I pledge allegiance to America.” I really don’t believe I should be forced to tie myself down to an inanimate object symbolizing an idea. If someone were to point a gun to a flag, should I jump in front of it and save it?
  • Memorization: Even now, as I sit here and tear apart the pledge I have recited every day since kindergarten, I feel no emotional significance to it. Children memorize these words the same way they might memorize lyrics to a song or a jingle. There’s no meaning to what they are saying, it’s simply something to occupy their mouth with. I have had to repeat these phrases for so many years. I’m just sick of it! The sounds coming from the mouths of my peers are barely legible as words– they are simply mouth movements and pauses they have grown accustomed to. These words mean nothing to us. Face it, you can’t force someone to be patriotic.

It feels good to vent onto a blog. These are my ideas, and my ideas solely. What is written on this in no way represents anyone else but me, Mercy. It doesn’t matter if you want to argue with me about it, because, like I said, these are my ideas. If you want to spread your counter-opinions, feel free to create your own blog and ramble about it. Me, well, I prefer to rant to the diverse people out there who can see where I am coming from, and who embrace my being anyways.

Edit: I just realized something else after posting this. I’m in the Diversity Club. Right now, we are working on a project to spread diversity throughout the school. One of the ideas was to get every student to trace their hand and one it, write their name and ethnic background. The only problem was what to do with the hands. I suggested using red, white, and blue paper and making an American flag, but apparently, we’re not allowed to, since some people may not be American. Well, why should non-Americans have to Pledge? According to every authority I’ve talked to on the subject, everyone is “required” to honor the flag and the Pledge. So it’s wrong to use America as a symbol for diversity, but it’s fine to force people to recite it, even if it does not match with their beliefs?

{Tue, Aug 1056, '10}   Groups and Pages

Wow, I am SO sick of all these things showing up on my homepage! So-and-so likes so-and-what. Do I care? Most of these things I find totally idiotic, anyways. For starters:

  • “are you mad,” “no,” “ok ur deffinatly mad” ~~Correct spelling, please. Come on, it’s the INTERNET! There’s this magic thing called spell check that costs nothing, takes up no time, and is very easy to use. Besides that, just LOOKING at this “conversation” ticks me off. Why shouldn’t someone be mad, if you’re busy assuming stupid stuff about them?
  • I fake the dates on my papers so it doesn’t look like i did it last minute ~~Or here’s a thought: USE THE DUE DATE INSTEAD. I’ve never fake-dated an assignment, either because it was a one-night assignment or because I used the due date! And by the way? If an assignment is spread over an extended perios of time, your teacher probably doesn’t CARE when you did it. Teachers aren’t blind– they know kids cheat and procrastinate. And what with the 100+ (depending on the class) papers to grade, why should they concern themselves with the date at the top of the page?
  • I bet Chinese people push their eyelids in and say, “Look I’m American!” ~~Shut up. First of all, that’s so stereotypical and raceist to say that Chinese people have stanted eyes, in the first place, not to mention that Americans DON’T. Not every American is an idiot with a caucasian background. America’s been seperated from Europe for over 200 years. GET WITH THE TIMES! Besides, why would any self-respecting, higher-that-America’s-IQ-combined Chinese person even WANT to be compared to an American?
  • On 12/21/2012 im not doing my homework, excuse will be ” i thought id die.” ~~I don’t beleive the world’s going to end, anyways. Wasn’t the world supposed to end about three different times during my lifetime? But using the “end of the world” as an excuse not to do work just proves people are lazy and pathetic.

And these were just ones on my homepage. I’m bitter torwards groups and pages that aren’t real products or services. They waste my time.

And I also hate fads/trends. Have you noticed no one says “biffle”/”bffl” anymore?

{Tue, Jul 657, '10}   Summer ’10

Well, I’ve been spending my summer volunteering at the local library, helping children with their summer reading. Friday, a whole group of kids I remember from camp came in and started talking to me about themselves, camp, the counselors, etc. I was so DEVASTATED! I missed camp so much!

Today, I had some free time, so I went to visit camp. From what the kids told me, there’s a new director and only three counselors still there from last year.

The second I walked onto camp grounds, one of the kids yelled out my name, starting a whole flurry of kids greeting me. I kinda liked it. 🙂

When I got inside, I found one of the remaining three counselors, who I’m guessing is now the assistant director. She just sort of said hi…

I was standing at the door looking stupid, gazing around the room for someone to talk to or something to do. At one of the tables, I saw returning counselor #2 and rushed over to him.

When he saw me, here was his joking reaction: “Oh, God, not you!”

I tried talking to him, but then returning counselor #1 came and said I couldn’t stay. She gave me five seconds to talk to returning counselor #2 and admitted she was kicking me out. Way to go.

I reflected on my walk home, and now I’m here, blogging. I really do miss camp; even seeing all the little kids playing games, I didn’t think I had outgrown it at all. I think the counselors could have been a little nicer, though. The three remaining counselors were three of my favorites, so they could have at least allowed me to spend a bit more time chatting and saying hi to my little friends. I never did get to meet up with returning counselor #3…

I feel somewhat shunned. I guess I don’t belong there… I spent so much time imagining conversations and how my day would play out, so I guess it was obvious I’d be let down, huh?

Maybe I should have savored my eight years there?

This even makes me rethink becoming a counselor when I’m old enough… All the counselors there seemed so fake, with fake smiles, pained expressions, you know? In all honesty, if I had to, I would do the job for free, and not just for the money, because that’s just how much I love kids and camp.

{Wed, Feb 1737, '10}   #Hashtag

Anyone with a twitter account would know that most trending topics are in hashtag form, such as #beatcancer or #followfriday. Well, most users, myself included, would like to have the honor of creating a hashtag and having it become a trending topic. If I could create a trending hashtag, here would be my top choices:

  • #memories: Pretty self-explanatory. You post something sweet that brings you back through time. (IE “I remember the first time @davedays sent me an @reply … Aaaah, #memories .”)
  • #OlympicSport: Inspired by the Vancouver ’10 Winter Olympics. This pretty much lists some things people believe should be the next Olympic sport. (IE “The next #OlympicSport is singing! Go for it, @fromblueskies !”)
  • #DoYouKnow: Random things most people don’t know. Yeah, this is sort of like #OMGfacts , but it can apply to unusual objects, as well. (IE “#DoYouKnow what a euphonium is?”)
  • #DreamsComeTrue: Not necessarily for dreams that HAVE come true. This hashtag describes things you want to happen. (IE “I had a dream I knew @David_Garrett . Well… #DreamsComeTrue ?”)
  • #WordofAdvice: Pretty self-explanatory. Pretty much advice for any random person ro people. (IE “A #WordofAdvice for any rookie guitarists out there: Acoustic tastes better!”)
  • #twitteris: What is twitter to you? Why do you go on? (IE “#twitteris my way of saying what I want to say to the world.”)

{Sat, Jan 905, '10}   Fireworks

I love the Earth. I love nature. I love the world. I love this planet. I love the environment.

I don’t love fireworks.

Every time I see a fireworks show, I cover my nose and mouth so I don’t inhale the smoke. I wish I could cover my eyes so I wouldn’t have to SEE it, too.

All that smoke in the air…

So, anyways…

In terms of eco-friendly, I did NOT enjoy my Disney trips.

Everywhere I went, I heard, “save the animals,” “save the air,” “save our planet,” “save the water.”

How is the air safe? Daily firework displays are not helping the air. Just ask the bits of charcoal and ash that rained down on my head. That flew into my sister’s eyes. That got black smudges on my dad’s pastel shirt.

So here I am, typing words onto the screen of the laptop on my lap. Protesting. Ranting. Expressing.

et cetera