MercyTheKitty Rants

{Mon, Oct 2518, '10}   Pedophilia

I have never heard anything said about pedophilia that is either positive or from a child’s perspective.

Pedophilia does not necessarily have anything to do with child abuse or molestation. That’s the same thing as associating blonde girls with the color pink. Maybe in many cases it may make sense, especially using prior knowledge, but logically, the two are unrelated.

I know adults like to think they remember everything about being a child and that they can see their mistakes, but come on! Let’s be reasonable. Children are smart. I know, shocking, right!??! Well, it’s true. Children have a great capacity for understanding. They are also less corrupt than SOME people I know, and have a much simpler time accepting the values of others and being nonjudgmental. I might go deeper into this on a later day…

What if it’s real, genuine, true love? Let’s say the adult doesn’t want anything even remotely close to physical pleasure. A real relationship can stand past that. A real lover wants happiness for his/her significant other. Basically, we’re saying this adult wants this kid to be happy.

What about the kid? You know, around the time of puberty, we kids like to play dumb for you adults. It just makes life so much easier! Genuine feelings for another person can form at very early ages. Face it, this isn’t the ’90’s anymore. Fourth graders date. Second graders have crushes. So what?

So in this hypothetical scenario, the adult and the kid fall for each other. The adult likes the kid because of any reason anyone else may like someone; the kid has certain personality traits, certain quirks, can relate to experiences, is mature, whatever. The kid likes the adult… why? Well, there is a certain appeal to an older person with life experience to pass on, but the same thing applies. Age probably has nothing to do with it. The adult could have an appealing personality that was unfortunately bestowed upon someone too old.

Is love bad? Of course not. Why would anyone think of ruining these perfect connections? The same applies to homosexual relations. All this is just preference: age, gender, whatever. Growing up, I was always told, “It’s what’s on the inside that matters.” In that case, aren’t these factors just shells encasing flaws or perfections? Actually, no. They’re more than that. Physical traits should be the frosting on top of the cake– it only makes good better.

Come on, really!??! If the kid isn’t uncomfortable in any way, why are you complaining? Maybe that camp counselor or teacher is crushing on your kid but hasn’t said anything. Are you okay with that? You can never know who a person is in love with. That’s the beauty of it. Love is blind. Just because you can’t see love doesn’t mean it’s not there. It’s hiding right in front of your face and there’s nothing you can do about it. 🙂 Now I’m self-satisfied.

These are my opinions and in no way reflect the opinions of readers, commenters, yadda yadda yadda. But I expect respect if you choose to comment. Otherwise, you’re blocked.

{Tue, Aug 1056, '10}   Groups and Pages

Wow, I am SO sick of all these things showing up on my homepage! So-and-so likes so-and-what. Do I care? Most of these things I find totally idiotic, anyways. For starters:

  • “are you mad,” “no,” “ok ur deffinatly mad” ~~Correct spelling, please. Come on, it’s the INTERNET! There’s this magic thing called spell check that costs nothing, takes up no time, and is very easy to use. Besides that, just LOOKING at this “conversation” ticks me off. Why shouldn’t someone be mad, if you’re busy assuming stupid stuff about them?
  • I fake the dates on my papers so it doesn’t look like i did it last minute ~~Or here’s a thought: USE THE DUE DATE INSTEAD. I’ve never fake-dated an assignment, either because it was a one-night assignment or because I used the due date! And by the way? If an assignment is spread over an extended perios of time, your teacher probably doesn’t CARE when you did it. Teachers aren’t blind– they know kids cheat and procrastinate. And what with the 100+ (depending on the class) papers to grade, why should they concern themselves with the date at the top of the page?
  • I bet Chinese people push their eyelids in and say, “Look I’m American!” ~~Shut up. First of all, that’s so stereotypical and raceist to say that Chinese people have stanted eyes, in the first place, not to mention that Americans DON’T. Not every American is an idiot with a caucasian background. America’s been seperated from Europe for over 200 years. GET WITH THE TIMES! Besides, why would any self-respecting, higher-that-America’s-IQ-combined Chinese person even WANT to be compared to an American?
  • On 12/21/2012 im not doing my homework, excuse will be ” i thought id die.” ~~I don’t beleive the world’s going to end, anyways. Wasn’t the world supposed to end about three different times during my lifetime? But using the “end of the world” as an excuse not to do work just proves people are lazy and pathetic.

And these were just ones on my homepage. I’m bitter torwards groups and pages that aren’t real products or services. They waste my time.

And I also hate fads/trends. Have you noticed no one says “biffle”/”bffl” anymore?

et cetera