MercyTheKitty Rants

{Sun, Feb 2724, '11}   Grammar

I think this is my first post of the year… It’s nearly march, huh? Oopsies.

So grammar. Can we use fragments like that?

And can we start sentences with conjunctions?

Or should I use “may” instead of “can?”

Till or ’til?

I’ve had a lot of grammar questions over the years (bless my English teachers for putting up with me), but some recent discussions (with said English teachers) have sparked up some confusion in the basics.

When a character is speaking (dialogue), rules can (may?) often be bent, but how far? In a teenage voice, it’s acceptable to say “it’s okay,” as opposed to “it is alright,” but what about made-up words? “Going to,” or “gonna/gunna?” “I don’t know,” or “dunno?”

I think I’ve been tweeting too much… There’s no way I can write an entire blog post after so many 140-character summaries of my life.

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